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Harvesting Egyptian Walking Onions in the UK: A Seasonal Guide

by bulbandharvest in Bulb & Harvest Comments Off on Harvesting Egyptian Walking Onions in the UK: A Seasonal Guide

Egyptian walking onions, also known as top-setting onions or tree onions, are a unique and fascinating addition to any UK garden. These perennial plants not only produce traditional onion bulbs but also form aerial bulbils [...]

Garden By Month

what to do in the garden in January
Garden By Month

What To Plant In January, For A UK Garden

The new year carries with it the opportunity to plant seeds inside for the year ahead. For certain plants, including tropical yields like chillies and aubergines, planting as soon as January can increase you’re c […]

what to do in the garden in February
Garden By Month

What To Do In The Garden In February

Yes! February is here and it means crops are on the horizon. Whilst is may still be cold outside, the garden is coming to life with signs of spring; from daffodils in bloom to tulips […]